Week 21 2023
ยท 2 min read
- Modular licenses. A reworked license model where we have separated the features into different modules and it's possible to have different level for each module. The modules are Analytics, Heatmaps & Session Recordings and UX-surveys.
- It's now possible to create both the old and the new type of licenses. The old type of licenses will be phased out in the future.
- Periods in a data source license are now always one calendar month, starting from when the license was started. Periods are created the day before they starts.
- Orders are now connected to the data source license instead of the periods since it represents the actual purchase.
- Orders show monthly total in addition to the total for the whole period.
- Support for different currencies when making orders. Supported currencies are SEK, EUR and USD.
- Notifications for all renewals of payed licenses (two weeks ahead).
- Notifications for all ending of payed licenses (two weeks ahead).
- Settings editor has been reworked to save all changes at once instead of one setting at a time.
- New settings type for multi currency prices.
- Drawer warns about unsaved changes when closing it.
- Better formatting of number values in table view och chart and cross tabulation.
- Table improvement for values of different type (formatting, sorting, searching)
- Removed demo and docs pages
- Hook for pushing Matomo Tag Manager events (used in sign up modal)