Release 2023-02-14
ยท One min read
- Script key is now sent to Hubspot so we can include it in emails sent
- Industries for surveys are now sorted alphabetically
- Major: Ant design, the UI component library we use has been updated from version 4 to version 5
- Ant design v5 uses dayjs as the default date library so we have also migrated from moment to dayjs
- Ant design replaced less with css-in-js for theming so we had to refactor how themes are configures, we still use less for our own styling
- Not possible to create "Other" data source until we have proper UI for it
- Confirmation when deleting survey versions
- A bug prevented questions from being updated in the new survey tool
- Improved name on downloaded file for cross-tabulation chart
- Customer billing information (address, VAT and comment)